Bay Street Video Links
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Bay Street Video Online Store! Browse and shop online! It doesn't have our whole catalogue yet, but we are adding new titles almost daily!
Bay Street Video on Google Store info, map directions, photos, and reviews.
Bay Street Video on Facebook We actively post timely information (store tidbits, recent releases, spotlights on particular films, industry news, etc.) which we feel could be of interest to our followers. Most notably, you will often find promotional offers towards purchases and/or rentals available exclusively to our followers and not anywhere else.
Bay Street Video on Bluesky Our newest social media excursion. Seems a little less awful than some of the alternatives.
Bay Street Video on Twitter We tweet when we feel the urge. We sometimes respond to tweets when they are directed @BayStreetVideo. We'll also never call it anything else.
Bay Street Video on Instagram Film and TV are visual mediums, so what better social media site to highlight the latest releases, staff picks, and store upgrades using movie stills, cover art and other creatively-made pictures and videos?
Bay Street Video on Letterboxd! Follow along with what we put on in the store! Also lists, weekly updates, and our staffers' thoughts on what we watch!
Bay Street Video on YouTube Enjoy a virtual video tour of Bay Street Video! To be honest, we are not very active on YouTube at this time, but you never know what the future may hold...
Bay Street Video on Foursquare Many of our customers use Foursquare to discover and share great local places. Here you are able to see how often they check-in and read reviews. If you use Foursquare, we greatly appreciate your check-ins!
Bay Street Video on Yelp Reviews of Bay Street Video - the good, the bad, the ugly... Your positive reviews help our business thrive and grow - we thank you for them. Your negative reviews give us insight as to how we might improve - but obviously, we'd rather you told us in person.
IMDb - The Internet Movie Database Want to know what films an actor has been in, what someone directed, the storyline of a film, reviews...? This IS The Bible. If you are not familiar with IMDb, click this link NOW!